All of the times
that you wished she was here
- tiny seeds of memory
who grew into longing -
are wrapped up
and swaddled tightly
in your cradle board.
Don’t believe the hype.
The real holy blood
that gave you life
came from your Mother.
Todos los tiempos
que deseabas que ella estuviera aquí
- diminutas semillas de memoria
que creció en anhelo -
están bien envueltos
en tu tablero de cuna.
No creas el bombo -
la verdadera sangre santa
que te dio la vida
vino de tu Madre.
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The apology and promises of reconciliation just weren´t enough
neither the peppermint mocha or assortment of numbing agents,
they couldn´t erase
or cover up
how broken she was.
Pieces forgotten and long lost
among st the rubble and emotional wreckage
of the generations